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来源:学大教育     时间:2014-05-15 22:09:37


1、 , the players began the game.

A.Having taken our seats B.Taking our seats C.After we took our seats D.Being taken the seats

2、 him before, she didn’t know he was her uncle.

A.Not having seen B.Having not seen C.Not seeing D.Not being seen

3、 many times, but he made the same mistake again.

A.Having been told B.Although he had been told C.He had been told D.Having told

4、The glass of water is too hot. I prefer some cold water.

A.boiled B.boiling C.to boil D.having boiled

5、The little boy entered the classroom without .

A.noticing B.noticed C.being noticed D.notice

6、We’re considering English in pairs after class.

A.practising speaking B.practising to speak C.to practise speaking D.to practise to speak

7、 the mixture, the teacher showed it around the classroom.

A.To see B.More students to see C.For more students to see D.Seen

8、I apologize for my promise.

A.not to keep B.being kept C.not having kept D.having not kept

9、The book on the desk to her.

A.lying, belonging B.lay, belong C.lying, belongs D.being lie, is belong

10、 , Mary had to stay at home to look after her.

A.Being ill B.To be ill C.Her mother was ill D.Her mother being ill


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